Tinned-TreeNotes was already planed with a lot of features.
This roadmp will give you an overview about the next releases. It
will show you what features are planned and in which release they
are planned to be implemented. As you might notice, there is no
release date to it. This is not a mistake, it is because we do this
and other projects at my free time which makes it a bit more
complicate to plan it. We will try to launch the releases as fast
as possible. Bugfix releases always will be released immediately.
Version numbering
The version numbering starts with the first release of 1.0.0.
All versions with the same major number (1.x.x) will be
compatible with there databases (back and forward). And the
minor number (x.0.x) will indicate the functional release. The
last number, the service number (x.x.0) indicates any bugfix
version within the minor release.
Tinned-TreeNotes version 1.0.0
Database select
Configurable directory where databases are
Select window to select one of the databases
Creation of new database (sqlite only)
Create note
A note should be possible to create
The note title and content should be editable
Edit note
The content should be editable after a note was
The note title should be editable after the note is
The note should be editable in a WYSIWYG editor to
format the content
Delete note
A selected note should be possible to delete
If the selected note has sub-notes, they should be
recursive deleted
A simple confirm message should be shown before a
note is deleted
Error reporting
define the error messages
define error codes for every message
define the error text / error code in a separate db
(later used for language file)
Tinned-TreeNotes version 1.1.0
The version 1.1.0 will add a couple of functionalities but
the databases will be compatible with the version
Translatable user interface
Move all language specific text elements to
translatable source (sqlite database).
Define a config setting to change the language
Add a UI element to change the language
As soon as login is implemented, add the language
as a settings to the user preferences
Login and permission
Login functionality should be implemented
An administration panel should be implemented to
manage user permissions
The following permissions should be possible to set
on a database level: read, add, edit, delete, admin
(change permission for other users)
Add the possibility to handle internal links
without the database name (db= parameter)
Adding the possibility to address a note by its
name (if multiple notes have the same name, first
match is used)
For the application menu, implement the possibility
to use icons instead of text (configurable)
Implement different information layouts additional
to html-frame (html-div, ... xml?)
Redesign all confirmation dialogs. (on edit-note,
delete-note, ...)
Other minor and major UI improvements and
Implement the possibility to use mysql / mssql /
postgresql as database engine
Implement limitation for all database fields to
avoid database errors
Tinned-TreeNotes version 1.2.0
The version 1.2.0 will add a couple of functionalities but
the databases will be compatible with the versions
1.0.0 and 1.1.0.
Attachment handling
A page to upload attachments into the database
An attachment browser should be implemented to show
all attachments
Check for a possibility to select attachments from
the CKEditor (image attachments, ... etc)
User settings
save and get last shown note on initial request
Change history
Create a table inside the database to save a change
The change history should store all changes in
every note with the user information and a time
Create a page to view the change history
Implement the possibility to delete the change
history (admin permission required)
Note tree
Add a table with icons to the database for used
defined icons
Change the inline edit of the note title to a
separate note-title-modification page
On the note-title-modification page the title and
icon can be changed
On the note-title-modification page the text color,
background color can be changed (like color
Create a page to select the icon for the note
Add the functionality to change the parent note via
the note-title-modification page
Implement the possibility to assign multiple tags
to every note
Tinned-TreeNotes version 1.3.0
The version 1.3.0 will add a couple of functionalities but
the databases will be compatible with the versions
1.0.0 - 1.2.0.
Import filter
Implement import filter for ... mediawiki formatted
Implement import filter for ... webcontent from
Implement import filter for ... JreePad
Implement import filter for ... TreePad if possible
Export filter
Implement export filter to ... xml
Implement export filter to ... csv
Implement export filter to ... html
Full text searching the note title and content
A way needs to be found to ignore html tags within
the text.
Implement the possibility to filter the tree for
specific tags
Implement the possibility to use the tags as search
Possible other functions
The following shows a list of functionalities that might
could be implemented later on. It is not sure if these
functionalities will be implemented nor when they will be
implemented. Its more a list of ideas for new
Adding GEO tags and GEO information to every note
Layout for mobile browsers (iOS, Android, ...)